Frequently Asked Questions
Born into the Wolf Clan of the Seneca Nation, Hasanoanda (who later adopted the name Ely Samuel Parker) was an extraordinary human being whose life bridged two cultures in the most challenging of times. His story is complex and an important part of it is associated with the history of Galena.
Parker was the engineer in charge of construction of the Marine Hospital. He became General Grant’s Secretary (penning the articles of surrender at Appomattox), and was appointed by Grant as the first Native American to head the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
The Parker is so-named to celebrate this man’s contributions and to help share his story.
The Parker will follow all lighting standards set in the City of Galena Zoning Ordinance and will incorporate Dark Sky Principles. Bien Vie will use full cut-off and shielded lighting fixtures to prevent glare and light trespass. Indirect lighting will be used in conjunction with low reflection surfaces on all building interiors. This will result in the buildings having a soft warm glow at night.
Innovative options for stormwater management that focus on infiltration rather than conveyance will be used on the project.
Management opportunities such as native plantings, bioswales, rain gardens, and detention ponds will be incorporated. At a minimum the project will not cause stormwater runoff above the level of the undeveloped property.
Unlike the case for most projects, Bien Vie is not requesting any money from the city for the development of the resort. Once completed, the project is estimated to have a value of $35 million dollars. The city, county, schools, library and all other taxing bodies will derive a significant property tax benefit. All other things remaining equal, individual property taxes will decrease. Sales tax and hotel/motel tax will also be generated. A range of employment opportunities will be available.
The 4th Street access to the property will be reserved for service and emergency access. The primary vehicular entrance will be directly off of Blackjack Road at the eastern edge of the property. Hiking and biking access to the property will be available from the Galena River Trail.
The Winery, the Main Building and its gardens, and portions of the Marine Hospital will be open to the public.
The intent is that the hiking/biking trails will also be open to the public. However, the developer’s right to restrict trail access is reserved in the annexation agreement should the privilege of public access be abused.
Nor will there be a go-cart track or a zip line.
What will be at The Parker is a rehabilitated Marine Hospital, a winery and vineyard, cottages, trails, main building/banquet facility and approximately 84 acres of gardens, orchards, vineyards, native plantings, and woodlands.
Parking and traffic flow are among the issues that the community needs to address to achieve growth goals. Bien Vie is sensitive to these issues and the Parker is designed as a destination retreat with the idea that guests will drive to the resort and park their cars there. They will then be encouraged to hike or bike into town on the Galena River Trail or use the shuttle service provided by The Parker.
The Parker is designed as a rural retreat and the buildings will be placed in a park-like setting.
Only 16% of the site will be covered with buildings and roads which means 84% of the nearly 100-acres will be maintained as landscaped area (the same percentage as Galena’s Grant Park).
The Parker is located in the vicinity of and immediately adjacent to areas that were anticipated and desired for growth in 2007 when “Contiguous Growth Areas” were identified by the city and the county.
The Parker is a destination resort. For the most part guests will drive to the resort and park their cars there. They will have the opportunity and will be encouraged to hike or bike into town on the Galena River Trail or to use The Parker shuttle service.
Two lengthy public zoning hearings (Feb. 9, 2022 and Nov. 9, 2022) were held to gather input on the preliminary plan concept and scope. The Zoning Board heard over 5 hours of public testimony above and beyond the 2-1/2 hours for Bien Vie’s presentations and responses to public comments and questions.
Project approval is an ongoing process. The concept and scope of The Parker were granted preliminary plan approval by the City Council. Final approval was granted for the planting of 5 acres of vineyard. All other development would be required to obtain final zoning approval confirming that final design conforms with the preliminary plan approval. All necessary design and permitting requirements (including but not limited to: stormwater management design, geotechnical investigations, building permits, Illinois Department of Natural Resources approvals, Army Corps of Engineer permits, and Illinois EPA permits) would need to be met before construction could begin
Yes, The Parker will include the following sustainable features:
Green stormwater infrastructure
Renewable energy sources: solar and geo-thermal
All lighting will be LED and is designed to reduce glare and spill-over
Reduced carbon footprint through rehabilitation of the existing Marine Hospital
The widespread use of native plants in the landscaping will reduce water consumption, improve soil health, and increase infiltration
The Developer has altered the project over time based in part on concerns of nearby residents. Residents asked that 4th Street not be used as the entrance, so Bien Vie moved the entrance to the east. Adjacent residents asked that the lowest ring of cottages below the Marine Hospital be removed and this was done. An adjacent resident requested that the project development begin on the east side and progress to the west - the Developer is taking this approach with the exception of the Marine Hospital rehabilitation which is promised in the first phase.